Friday, December 17, 2010

Soapnuts- Make Your Own Laundry Detergent

I have found the coolest cleaning product ever. They're called Soapnuts.

Yes, they look strange...

But they work amazingly.

Soapnuts are a type of fruit that is harvested and dried. This makes them completely natural and chemical free. They have natural cleaning abilities and can be used for laundry detergent, dishwashing detergent, glass cleaner, all purpose cleaner, etc.

Here's how you use it for laundry detergent. It's super easy.

The soapnuts come in a bag like this. This is a two pound bag. It's got a ton of soapnuts in it- I don't know the exact count.

The soapnuts come with a little bag. Put 3-4 soapnuts into the bag. This small amount will last 3-5 loads or possibly more.

Put in 4-5 drops of tea tree oil into the small bag and tie closed twice. Now, simply throw that little bag into the washer.

I can't believe how clean my cothes come out smelling. They smell very fresh with subtle hints of a linen type smell.

Make sure you find the little soapnuts bag before you dry the clothes. Drying the bag will cause the soapnuts to dry out and not be as effective.

Using the soapnuts saves tons of money! The way I calculated what we spend on regular laundry detergent versus what we spent on the soapnuts, we're saving over $150.00 just by using the soapnuts! That's amazing. I totally recommend these awesome little fruits.

You can also make a cleaning spray that is so delightful to use. It cleans really well- a little goes a long way.

For more information or to order soapnuts, They also have a good blog on their site.

Isn't it cool how nature truly does provide us with everything we need? I just find it so awesome that there are natural and healthy alternatives to just about everything.

*I am in no way affiliated with soapnuts, nor do I benefit from their sale. I just really like them and think they are cool. 

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